Our PennDel Women’s Blog is comprised of articles from our Dream Team and some outside contributors. Charisse Jenkins, our director, typically writes the article the first Tuesday of each month! Look for new articles weekly!

Blog Charisse Jenkins Blog Charisse Jenkins

Love at FIRST Sight

I love Jesus.  I know He loves me.  Yet, after decades of loving Him, I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea that He loved me first. 

When I met Kurt, my husband, for the first time.  I didn’t love him.  Our first exchange was just a handshake and a smile.

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Blog Charisse Jenkins Blog Charisse Jenkins

Something New

“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

We, in the church, often use this verse at the beginning of a new season or a new year. 

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Blog Charisse Jenkins Blog Charisse Jenkins


I love the mountains. Their endless beauty is astounding! Sitting high above a region and seeing the depths below proves our significance and our insignificance…

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Blog Guest Writer Blog Guest Writer


“If only I had this instead of that… “

Isn’t this what’s going through our minds at times?

We say to ourselves, “If only I had that job instead of this job,” “Why do I have to deal with this sickness instead of living with full health?”

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Blog Liz DeFrain Blog Liz DeFrain

What Are You Thinking?

Several weeks ago, the cul-de-sac and incoming street where we live was getting resurfaced. The resurfacing project was preceded by a well-laid plan…

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Blog Emily Harbold Blog Emily Harbold

The Greatest is Love

The Bible says that in the last days, the love of many will grow cold because of the increase of wickedness (Matthew 24:12). In these days that we are living in, it can be very easy to forsake love.

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Blog Laura Piraino Blog Laura Piraino

Put the Book Down

I have an object lesson in my mind as I write these words. It’s a picture that I strive to remember as I navigate relationships in my life.

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Blog Guest Writer Blog Guest Writer

When He Leaves You on Read

One of my favorite parts of being a counselor is being educated. Not in the sense of earning degrees and certifications from higher education facilities. Nope. Not that kind of educated. I’m talking about when a teenager schools me on the current lingo.

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Blog Emily Harbold Blog Emily Harbold

Bear with One Another

Not too long ago, my brother and I were having a discussion about a debatable subject. (The subject will remain anonymous). He was very convinced that he was right, and I was very convinced that I was right.

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Blog Brittany Ketter Blog Brittany Ketter

Walk on the Water

Lately, there is a seeming constant state of unrest. Between the pandemic, politics, and protests, among other things, there is always something vying for your attention, drawing your focus to circumstances, rather than to the cross.

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Blog Emily Harbold Blog Emily Harbold


We all want to live a blessed life, but do we know what leads to the blessing?

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the…

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Blog Charisse Jenkins Blog Charisse Jenkins

Ready, Set, GO!

I don’t know about you, but one of my pet peeves is approaching a red light, coming to a complete stop, and…boom! It changes to green…

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Blog Laura Piraino Blog Laura Piraino

Be Encouraged

It is a different season we find ourselves in as we experience this time of quarantine with physical distancing and altered schedules. Things in our…

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Blog Liz DeFrain Blog Liz DeFrain

The Supply Chain

“My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.” I have held onto that verse found in Philippians 4:19 all my Christian life. God has always proved faithful…

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Blog Emily Harbold Blog Emily Harbold

Personal Revival

We are all experiencing a season of simplification, where our normal is stripped away. I realize this looks different for all of us, and the…

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Blog Charisse Jenkins Blog Charisse Jenkins

Sink-Side Spirituality

“Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17

As a little girl, my mother would always wash dishes as my sisters and I would dry. We did not have a dishwasher…

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Blog Laura Piraino Blog Laura Piraino

Keep Following

I’ve found myself walking a lot these days. Maybe you have, too.

A park close to my house has become my daily destination. While it’s not…

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