If only I had this instead of that…
Isn’t this what’s going through our minds at times?
We say to ourselves, “If only I had that job instead of this job,” “Why do I have to deal with this sickness instead of living with full health?” We may even think, “Oh, if I only had that opportunity instead of what I have now,” or “my life would be so much better if ______ instead of __________,” —you fill in the blank.
So often we settle, and we accept our circumstances, the health issues, our current mindsets, and say, “it’s just my luck, or it’s just the way it is.”
We must consider the crossroads we are at when we think this way. We must stop and pray and ask the Lord, “is this something that is for me to walk through, alongside with Jesus, and it all be for His glory?" then allow Jesus to guide you through. Or, is this something for faith to rise up inside of you and declare healing, destiny and pray for breakthrough?
Let’s read this verse from Isaiah 55:13 (AMP)
“Instead of the thorn bush the cypress tree will grow, and instead of the nettle the myrtle tree will grow; And it will be a memorial to the LORD, for an everlasting sign [ of His mercy] which will not be cut off.”
God is speaking clearly to his bride and He is saying… you have the authority to speak “the instead” and declare life, freedom, healing, new life, new mindset, new things, transformation.
I love when the part in the verse that says, “it will be a memorial to the Lord, for an everlasting sign [ of His mercy] which will not be cut off.”
When God does “the instead” in our lives, it displays His Mercy and Glory in our lives that then becomes an everlasting sign that will never be destroyed!
Not only for you and me, but, for everyone everywhere. God wants to move through us in a new way through our declarations and faith believing that God can do the impossible! God desires to move in our lives by giving us freedom instead of bondage, boldness instead of fear, compassion instead of hate, joy instead of depression, and by changing our circumstances, healing our sickness, and transforming our minds. We also have the opportunity to speak “the instead” over others declaring LIFE instead of Death, HOPE instead of hopelessness, HEALING instead of sickness.
It’s only through the power of Jesus that lives inside of you. In this verse it says a cypress instead of a thorn bush: What is your thorn bush? What is the thing or situation that is causing pain, despair, disappointment? How can you fill in the blanks?
Instead of ___________ the _________ , and instead ________ the __________; And it will be a memorial to the LORD, for an everlasting sign [ of His mercy] which will not be cut off.
We have the authority to speak and ability see things not as they are, but as they can be filled with life: What is it in your life that you can speak instead over, and that is the very thing that will change through the power of Jesus Christ?
Jesus’ heart for you is to transform and give you HIS instead:
Instead of loneliness- connection
Instead of bondage- freedom
Instead of sickness- health
Instead of depression- joy
Instead of insecurity- confidence in Him
Instead of poverty- prosperity
Instead of doubt- faith
Instead of worry- trust
Instead of hopelessness- assurance / hope
Instead of silence- prayer
Instead of wondering- His path
Instead of anger- peace
Instead of harsh words – grace and mercy
And the list can go on!
What is it in your life that you can speak the instead over?
It’s time to trust God’s instead to change and transform our circumstances, mindset, and understanding. No longer seeing and accepting things that are in the natural, but transforming our minds to see the supernatural, and claim things as they are DESTINED to be!
You have the opportunity to reclaim and restore in this year, 2020, through the power of Jesus Christ.
What is your INSTEAD?
Are you finding yourself stuck, unsure, and discouraged as you look ahead? There is hope in Jesus today, and He is able to renew and guide you on the path that only has good things in store for you.
Don’t believe the lie that things are the way they are because that’s what you deserved, earned, or “how the cookie crumbles” … as some people may say.
God is speaking now and saying, “if my people would humble themselves and pray…” I want to do the instead in and through them to show my glory!
God wants to move in and through you and me in NEW way and in a SUPERNATURAL way this year.
Will you trust His instead?
This verse is so powerful and gives us such an imagery of God’s goodness and transformation power!
“Instead of the thorn bush the cypress tree will grow, and instead of the nettle the myrtle tree will grow; And it will be a memorial to the LORD, for an everlasting sign [ of His mercy] which will not be cut off.” Isaiah 55:13 (AMP)
Let our words be HIS words as we pray and declare over our own lives, our family, and the lives of others this year. May we live boldly, bravely, and joyfully in the power of God’s INSTEAD for our lives.
Speak LIFE.
Bethany Marshall
Bethany was born in Long Island, New York. She grew up as a pastor and missionary kid living in 3 different states, and has also lived overseas in Kingston, Jamaica. Bethany currently resides with her husband Micah in Altoona, Pennsylvania along with their bouncy boxer, Timber. Bethany enjoys drinking good coffee, shopping for good deals, and has loved pickles since she was a little girl. She is the author of children’s book, Pickles and Prayer, and serves as a part of PennDel Women’s Dream Team.