Capacity - Bethany Marshall.png

This past week my husband said this word -capacity- during our conversation which was in a general sense of someone’s capacity to do something, and that word just JUMPED right out to me in that moment. So, what did I do? I quickly got my phone and typed C-A-P-A-C-I-T-Y in my notes. I jotted it down in my list of “don’t forget”. I let that word marinate for a day as I also prayed about what the Lord wanted to reveal in it. 

Capacity— this word has been FREQUENTLY used throughout our country. Why?

- Because we live in a world with limits. 

Let’s take a look at the word capacity’s definition:

1.        is the maximum amount that something can contain

2.        the amount that something can produce.

3.       ability to receive or contain

4.       someone's ability to do a particular thing

5.       a particular position or job

Have you ever felt like your “capacity” was about to explode because of all the things that were adding into your life? There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day? The “To Do” list feels endless and you’re left feeling overwhelmed? Do your responsibilities have you feeling exhausted? Do you race around because of all the things that are scheduled for the day? Do you feel at times that you are at your capacity either physically, mentally or emotionally?

The truth is that we can reach our human capacity of tolerance easily in all areas of our lives, physical, mentally and emotionally.

Our bodies were created to work but also rest. Our bodies are also created to glorify God and to be used by God in His capacity.

The question that I want to propose to you is this… are you operating out of your own capacity or God’s capacity for your life?

These truths I believe:

  • We are created by God

  •   We are called by God

  • We are vessels for God

Capacity in our world has limits by definition – it can only fit a maximum amount. 

BUT, God’s capacity is limitless.  He can expand our capacity in our lives, in our position, or in our job, using us ways we could never imagine or think.

The key is – HIS strength not OUR strength.

Whatever we plan or do for our lives that is purely out of our own strength, or solely focused on our own way, we will eventually reach our capacity. We sooner or later hit the human limit point. However, when we seek what God wants us to do in and through our lives, the capacity changes. When we are obedient to what God calls us to do, He renews our strength, and we are expanded in ways we could never envision or believe. Its through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that gives us the strength and ability to do what He has called us to do.

God has given every person on this earth the gift of time. But we choose how we steward that gift. We can use it selfishly and try to fit in all the things WE want to do or pursue to achieve in our strength. We can strive, strive, strive but eventually us it leaves us weary. Or, we can give our time to God and allow him to use us as vessels in a greater capacity, expanding our lives in ways that only God can.

What capacity are you operating in today?

Are you working in your own strength or asking for His strength?

King David in the bible found strength in the Lord, it says in 1 Samuel 30:6

But David found strength in the Lord his God.”

It says in Isaiah 40:31 “ …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their STRENGTH. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

What capacity are you walking in…?

1.       The world’s capacity which is defined by limits?

2.       God’s capacity which cannot be defined by limits?

God’s power and miraculous ways in which He operates can be seen in and through our lives. God loves to show up and show off his glory.  When we rest in Him and ask for His strength it unlocks the door for the overflow of God’s provision! The world will see God’s limitless capacity through US if we ask. The Lord wants to fill our lives to overflow because He desires for His glory to be throughout the earth.

Our capacity has no limits when we are obedient and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We can go boldly and strong in our calling to expand the Kingdom of God. It is a daily surrender to the Lord of our time and our strength in exchange for His- we then live a life of overflow.

God’s overflow is NOT overwhelming – it blesses us, those around us, and those you might never meet – overflow is God’s miraculous power. God is the source of ALL things therefore He never runs out of anything!

Be encouraged today knowing that you are created for limitless capacity in Him. Everything you need is found in Him, your STRENGTH, your REST, your RESOURCES, and your PURPOSE.

The world is groaning for His Kingdom to be established on this earth. May our lives overflow with joy, peace, strength, and praise so that the world can see the greatness of our God.

God’s word says through Him there is OVERFLOW!

  • Overflow with prosperity – Zechariah 1:17

  • Overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit- Romans 5:15

  • Overflow with thanksgiving – 2 Corinthians 4:17

  • Overflow with joy- 2 Corinthians 8:2

  • Overflow with new wine and oil- Joel 2:24

  • Overflow with water in the secret place- Isaiah 28:17

  • Overflow with praise- Psalms 119:171

  • Overflow with abundance- Psalms 65:11

  • May your cup overflow- Psalms 23:5

Capacity by God’s definition:   OVERFLOW



Bethany Marshall was born in Long Island, New York. She grew up as a pastor and missionary kid living in 3 different states, and has also lived overseas in Kingston, Jamaica. Bethany currently resides with her husband Micah in Altoona, Pennsylvania along with their bouncy boxer, Timber. Bethany enjoys drinking good coffee, shopping for good deals, and has loved pickles since she was a little girl. She is the author of children’s book, Pickles and Prayer, and serves as a part of PennDel Women Dream Team.

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Just Breathe


The Truth About Who You Are