Just Breathe

Just Breathe- Liz DeFrain.png

Years ago, I attempted snorkeling for the first time at Typhoon Lagoon in Disney World, a far cry from the ocean, but the controlled atmosphere was beautiful! Steve and I were with two other families, and everyone was excited about this experience, except me! Thinking about covering my nose and having to breathe through my mouth brought such anxiety. Hesitantly, I put on my lifejacket, flippers, and face mask, with the snorkeling breathing tube in my hand. I was ready physically, but mentally I was not.

Standing on the edge of the pool that looked like a tropical paradise, it was time to jump in and enjoy the scenery of multicolored aquatic life. I froze. The thought of being face down in the water and having to breathe ONLY through my mouth brought sheer panic. Not wanting to look stupid, I got in the water and stood on a man-made rock, not yet ready to take the plunge. There were people behind me wanting to get in, so when standing was no longer possible, I began to proceed forward, attempting to snorkel. Everyone floated effortlessly, looking at the beautiful colors and species of aquatic nature. Not me! I tried to get to the other side as fast as I could. The water wasn’t deep, and you could stand up, ­which I did several times, causing the beautiful fish to disperse away from me along with everyone else who attempted to enjoy the beauty. My fear was impeding on their fun!

Once safely on the other side and on solid ground, my kids were hysterically laughing as they showed me the video they had made of the entire episode. Not wanting to believe it was me until my husband mentioned that he felt someone pushing on his feet the whole time. Well, videos don’t lie. Guilty. Fast forward to 2020.

In 2020 fear of wearing a mask became an irrational fear for me. The first time I walked into BJ’s to shop during COVID19, I began to panic and felt like I couldn’t breathe. This moment brought back memories of Typhoon Lagoon and hospital visits when I was required to put on a surgical mask due to being in an infectious room. I hate the thought of having something cover my nose.

However, the truth is, I can still breathe if I relax and don’t panic. My reaction to feeling constricted keeps me from the very thing I need. Let’s take that to the spiritual realm.

In scriptures, the Holy Spirit is referred to as the “breath of God.”  In Greek, the word for the breath of God is PNEUMA. In Hebrew, the noun RUACH can refer to breathe. Love this!

When we look at our natural lives, the same principle is true in our spiritual lives.

Without the breath of the Holy Spirit breathing in and through us, we die spiritually.

I need the Holy Spirit more than ever to give me life in 2020, don’t you?

Titus 3:5 says “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit desires to be active and moving in our lives. We can welcome the Breath of Heaven, OR we can choose to panic, resist, and stifle what He wants to accomplish, even when we feel weak.

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27

When I take a moment to stop and just “be still,” which is difficult for me, I feel the breath of Heaven beside me and in me. His presence can change my perspective in one moment. The Holy Spirit or breath of God will:

  • Renew your mind - Ephesians 4:23

  • Give you peace – Philippians 4:23

  • Give you hope – Romans 15:13

  • Take away anxiety – Philippians 4:6-7

  • Heal your heart – Psalms 147:3

  • And more!

While we continue to face this crazy, unpredictable 2020, I know this for sure: the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, is working in my life, and He has plenty of air for everyone! Take a deep breath, don’t panic, and enjoy His presence!

Keep breathing! Liz

Liz DeFrain

Liz DeFrain is an ordained minister, conference and retreat speaker, and serves as the Women’s Director for the PennDel Network of the Assemblies of God. As a first generation Christian, she appreciates the gift of salvation and wants everyone to experience an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. For the past twenty-five years she has served in ministry alongside her husband, Steve, and understands the dynamics of ministry life. She loves people, excellence, and seeing the next generation of women embrace everything that God desires for them. Fun Fact: Liz is an identical twin, and many times her sister, Theresa, is mistaken for her. Theresa serves on the Women of Purpose team and loves people too, so it’s all good!


Claiming Grace
