Our PennDel Women’s Blog is comprised of articles from our Dream Team and some outside contributors. Charisse Jenkins, our director, typically writes the article the first Tuesday of each month! Look for new articles weekly!

Blog Liz DeFrain Blog Liz DeFrain

The Supply Chain

“My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.” I have held onto that verse found in Philippians 4:19 all my Christian life. God has always proved faithful…

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Blog Liz DeFrain Blog Liz DeFrain


Years ago when our sons were small, Steve, I, and the boys were traveling by car to Florida for a family vacation. Most times, we would pack the car, wait until about 7 pm…

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Blog Emily Harbold Blog Emily Harbold

Grace to Become

As the corona virus situation began to unfold, I would like to say that faith was my first response, but it was not. Just the threat of shut downs caused a lot of anxiety in me. It was as if I was holding my breath…

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Blog Liz DeFrain Blog Liz DeFrain

Stretching Our Faith

One day, my husband dropped me and our two little boys off at the back door of our house, and pulled the car around to the street parking in front. I took the boys in the house, and they went off playing…

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