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We recognize our calling in several ways. God shapes us through our relationship with Him. As we spend time in prayer, study His Word, and seek godly counsel, we train our ear to hear His voice. Each one of us has a natural bent toward an area of talent or gifting. Recognizing how God has wired you and realizing what you feel most passionate about provides direction. However, calling isn’t limited to natural strengths. It includes spiritual gifts and the unique landscape of our personal experiences. We capitalize on strengths and minimize weaknesses through preparation. 

The calling of many Old and New Testament leaders involved extensive periods of preparation. Moses, Elijah, Esther, John the Baptist, Paul, and even Jesus, submitted to seasons which refined their character and aligned their calling. 

During this critical groundwork phase, we commit ourselves to training, acquiring knowledge and wisdom for the tasks ahead. Yet, even in those “backside of the mountain” times in our lives, those moments when we wrestle with feelings of insignificance, we can begin to step out in small ways. 

God crystallizes our calling as we exercise our faith. As we begin to flesh it out, we often start with a wide funnel. The Holy Spirit guides us to narrow our focus to the places our contribution provides the most value. Before I ever first set foot on the African continent, I sensed a God-given passion for her people. I discerned His “yes” for my first trip, assisting in kids camps and village ministry. A series of God-appointments paved the way for many subsequent journeys. In those early days, I didn’t fully understand what God intended to do through my heart for Africa. Now, as the founder of “Voice of the Voiceless,” I work closely with rural women across the continent, empowering them through micro-enterprise opportunities and the message of the Gospel. As an advocate for those who often cannot speak for themselves, I work in remote parts of Africa and around the world. Baby steps become God-leaps through obedience. Pursue your calling with confidence. Take that first step and trust God to lead the way. 

Following God’s call isn’t always easy: it requires sacrifice and exacts a cost. The excitement of the “honeymoon phase” of our calling can fade Following God’s call isn’t always easy: it requires sacrifice and exacts a cost. The excitement of the “honeymoon phase” of our calling can fade way. If you want to experience the favor of God in your life, sow favor into the lives of others. 

We practice our purpose one God-ordained step at a time. Don’t covet someone else’s call and don’t rush your own. Practice humility through a willingness to start small, allowing things to unfold in God’s time and God’s way. The above verse reminds us that the primary goal of our calling—whatever we do—is to bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. Success in the kingdom of God is defined by obedience.

Let your relationship with Jesus Christ permeate every aspect of your life: personal, family, ministry, and work. He guides our choices for the cause of Christ as we release every piece of real estate we own to His care. Don’t let fear hold you back from knowing who you are in Christ and obeying His voice.Except from Session 6 of “Fearless: Ordinary Women of the Bible Who Dared to do Extraordinary Things”

Angela will be joining us for our first RECLAIM 2020 Spring Tour in Houston, PA. Click here for more details on this event! 

Angela Donadio

Angela Donadio's passion is motivating others to "Make Your Life Matter No Matter What." She loves to see people embrace their full potential in Christ through her music, her message and her mission. A survivor of two near-death experiences and Ordained Assemblies of God Minister, she weaves poignant songs, powerful truths, and unexpected insights into life-lessons that inspire you to:

  • Mine the purpose out of pain by living in the promise of God's perspective.

  • Pursue God's intimate presence in an impersonal world through worship.

  • Overcome obstacles and make a difference in your world by marinating in Scripture.

She is apublished author, international speaker, recording artist, and advocate for deprived pastor’s wives and children in Africa. She holds a Degree in Music Education and serves alongside her husband, Dale, Lead Pastor of a thriving church. She’s an adventure junkie, mom to two young adults, and blogs regularly.




Guard Your Heart