Present Comfort

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Sometimes, there are no words.

There are times when things just don’t make sense - life doesn’t make sense.

I’ll leave it at that – you know how it is.

One minute you’re minding your own business and everything is great, and the next thing you know the rug has been swept out from under you. Things don’t make sense anymore. Maybe everything seems to come apart at once.

There are moments that take your breath away. There are feelings too strong and overwhelming to describe. There are times when words are entirely inadequate. Sometimes, I feel like we try to find the “right words” but really, we need to just be present.

Presence speaks volumes.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

I have a friend, who, when we meet up, we get lunch or coffee and catch up on what the Lord is doing in our lives, and we share the highs and lows we have been walking through, and then we go to the bookstore café, or somewhere else to get our work done. We usually spend the majority of the day together, but most of our conversation is restricted to lunch or our car rides. Time with this friend is most productive in more ways than one. There is intentional connection and then, silent support. We sit together and we work on our own things, but when it comes time to leave, we both feel so full. An understanding presence makes a difference. It is a comfort and a gift to have, and to offer.

When you go through those times that feel like the rug has been swept out from under you, there is a presence that you can go to. God is so faithful, and He understands where we are, and our struggles, or our hurt. In those times when you can’t put a voice to it, spend some time in His Word to remind yourself of his promises, or put on worship music and just be in His presence. Trust God completely in the midst of where you are. Be with Him. There is a peace and a comfort and a hope that comes with being in His presence and trusting in Him.

Maybe you know someone who is having hard time, or going through a difficult season, you can be a comfort to them in this way too. Be present. Don’t worry about having the “right words” - sometimes there aren’t any. But there is a ministry of presence, and a comfort that comes with having someone who understands and loves you where you are - even in the middle of what feels like a mess.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Brittany Ketter

Brittany is a writer, speaker, and passionate follower of Jesus. A 2013 graduate of Victory School of Ministry, Brittany serves in various areas of leadership in ministry and business, pouring into the next generation. She desires to encourage, empower, and embolden a generation of women who are wholeheartedly devoted to God.


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