Peace that Prevails
Peace that Prevails
Infantile hands. Velvet skin. Rhythmic breathing. The animals look on in disbelief that their Creator, so small, sits before them wrapped ever so tenderly. The parents look at one another with sheer delight, ready to tell the world of the treasure that they hold. For a few moments in that space, it is still. No words need exchanged. The Scriptures of old must have flooded through their spirits. “…and His name shall be called…Wonderful, Counselor, ...Prince of Peace…” Isaiah 9:6-7a. The peaceful scene there in that humble space overshadowed any scrutiny Mary may had endured. The peace that enveloped that dainty trio gave strength to Joseph to continue to attune his ears to heaven for direction to lead his family well.
Peace prevails.
The Sea of Galilee poses a different scene years later (Matt 4 & Luke 8). Winds majestically conjure up a storm that sets the hearts of the grown up Messiah’s friends in a panic. He lay asleep in the small sea vessel while the frightened sailors huddle. He then stands to speak to the creation who knows His voice so well, and in a quick act of obedience, all is calm. He corrects His followers concerning their fear. No further words are exchanged. The Scriptures of old must have flooded through their spirits. “And there will be a tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a shelter from storm and rain” Isaiah 4:6. The authoritative directive to the storm brought a calm that produced comfort and safety.
Peace prevails.
At the culmination of Jesus’ ministry, He faces the unthinkable. Death. The tree of the field that once clapped its hands in praise to its King, (Is 55:12) now, supported His mangled body. He shoulders the weight of humanity’s sin. His body groaned and ached and died. The earth responds in quakes and darkness. One in the crowd cries out with the realization that He really was the Messiah, however, no other words need be exchanged. The scriptures of old flooded the spirits of those present. “He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquity, the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed” Isaiah 53:5. Though there was great mourning in that saddened moment, there was peace. Victory was on its way and peace would always be ours.
Peace prevails.
How could a baby who was born in a stable, who isn’t afraid of thunderstorms, and who hung shamelessly on a cross give us peace of mind? How we choose to see His perfect peace in our daily lives is our choice. When our mind is made up, Scripture says we can stay, live, maintain that perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). His perfect peace passes all of our paths of thinking, our reasoning skills, and our deductions (Phil 4:7). 2 Thessalonians 3:16 reminds us “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all for yourself today.” The peace of the stable, the boat, and the cross are yours, now, today, always, and in every way.