Lift off!

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Earlier in the spring, I had a “bird’s eye” view of something very sweet.  A young, baby bird was perched high atop a tree. With all its might, he kept flapping its wings in an effort to lift off the branch and fly like all the other birds around him. Imagine his surprise when using all the right tools of the trade he still couldn’t catch the wind and lift off to soar with his friends and family nearby!

Dear mother bird was perched below squeaking and squawking as if to say, “C’mon already! We’ve been over this a hundred times!”

Little Baby Bird continued flapping with all its might, but was going nowhere! 

Mother Bird, continued to chirp and was now swooping up and down as if to coach and cheer him on. She was literally flying in place right in front her offspring reminding him how to achieve his goal. 

This scenario went on for a good 15 minutes. As I watched the interactions between parent and child, I soon noticed what the problem was. The baby bird would not unclamp his little toes from the branch!  He had all the perfect moves for flight, except one: 

Letting go. 

Consider Your Current Branch

Our Heavenly Parent, our Father, is much like that Mother Bird, coaching us from the next branch. Reminding us to keep flapping and fly! Thankfully He is slow to anger, patient with us, but desires for us to get off the branch and get moving!!!

”You O Lord, are a God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15

His constant, faithful love is cheering us on to come to higher heights with Him. It is His desire to see us soar into the bright and hope-filled future He has carved out for our lives (Jer. 29:11). Can you imagine His position of tenderness toward you as you start to flap your wings to fly?

Ask yourself these questions if you have yet to take flight:

Consider if you are content with the current altitude at which you reside? Are you content with the same cuisine at that level? The same bugs and berries? Are you content with that same view? Is your nest of familiarity, although too small for your growing body, just right because it is safe?  Psalm 56:3 is a fabulous reminder; “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

Are you okay to be gripped to your fears?!?

Bend Your Knees

That Baby Bird had to do two things: bend its little knees and let go of the branch where it was perched. When a bird takes off in flight or mounts up, the knees must bend. In fact, the knees and ankles bend to fold the legs up towards the body of the bird to be secured in flight. We non-feathered species find flight in the Lord as we hit our knees!! Bend those knees dear sister, and go to prayer! What is it that is prohibiting you from having a successful lift-off? What are you still holding on to? Do you have a death grip on an area in your life that you need to relinquish to the Father? God can do more with your surrendered fear than you can! Let go and let God have it! 

You’ll always have what you fear unless you let go of it. 

Position Your Heart to Fly

•   Go to your knees

•   Surrender what is rightly the Lord’s

•   Let go of selfish desires

•   Keep flapping!

•   Fly to greater heights in Him!


I’m happy to report, that the baby bird finally got the memo.  He let go of that branch, tucked in his knees, and was a flying mastermind! He was happily sporting his new moves among his pals and even found refuge on higher branches.  What I also, noticed, is that he didn’t forget HOW to fly. Once he perched to rest, he was able to recall his skill to let go of the branch and soar again and again. 

Let us take note from our little feathered friend:

Let go, let God, take everything to Him in prayer, and FLY!

Charisse Jenkins

Charisse Jenkins is a bold follower of Christ. She is a wife to her best friend Kurt, a mother to four dynamic children, pastor, pastor's wife, worship leader, author and speaker. She is passionate in prayer and worship, and loves to read the Word. Her desire is to see people walking in their true freedom purchased by Jesus' blood. She loves pretty things and has a big sweet tooth!


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