Let Me Explain

Let Me Explain - Bethany Marshall.png

So… it was just an ordinary Friday afternoon running errands and checking off items on my to do list. I decided to pull into a plaza where I knew I could get multiple things checked off on my list. I knew I needed to go to the Post Office and the Dollar Tree, but I also wanted to go inside Joann Fabrics to see if there were any good deals to be found. If you know me at all, you know how much I love to shop for good deals, especially Christmas ones. I decided to go inside Joann Fabrics first, and as I walked around the store, I saw all their Christmas décor on sale, which was exciting. I said to myself, “thank you Jesus!” I walked around some more and found myself landing in the Christmas ornament isle.

As I looked and admired all the Christmas ornaments one caught my eye that would be perfect for my friend who was getting married Saturday. She also loves Christmas, so I had to get it for her! I slipped it onto my finger to hold and I continued to walk through the isles looking at all the festive Christmas signs, snow kissed pine garland, warm apple-cinnamon candles, and went past the tempting Christmas themed mugs. I decided there was nothing else I wanted and the Christmas wrapping paper can wait. So, I left the store and went to the Dollar Tree which was right next door.

As I entered the Dollar Tree, I went directly to the birthday card isle because I needed to buy a birthday card for a someone in my family. As I was looking at all the sweet and humorous birthday cards, I finally made my decision and chose the one I liked most. I continued to shop around the store to see if there was anything else that I would possibly need. While I was holding the birthday card in my hand walking throughout the Dollar Tree something caught my eye, and my jaw dropped! I realized that I STILL HAD THE ORNAMENT ON MY FINGER! Yes, I walked out of Joann Fabrics without paying for it!

My mind was racing and so many thoughts flooded my mind… “I can’t believe I didn’t remember the ornament was on my finger!” “I can’t believe no one stopped me!” “I was probably on camera, and now I’m going to be flagged next time I’m in the store!” “I have to explain to the cashier that the ornament on my finger belongs to Joann Fabric and that it is not a Dollar Tree inventory.”

Thoughts were mounting and my blood pressure was rising, but I took a deep breath to compose myself and gathered up some courage to explain myself to the cashier.  I walked up to the checkout line and said to the cashier, “let me explain” and told her EVERYTHING! After explained what happened, she listened and then laughed at me with grace, and I found myself laughing along with her! You have to laugh at yourself every once in a while, right?

The sweet cashier looked at the ornament that was still hanging on my finger and said “yes, well that does not look like one of our ornaments, it’s really cute though!” I responded quickly, “well thank you, I thought it was cute too and I promise that I am going straight to Joann Fabrics after I leave here.” I made my purchase and off I went.

The next scenario entered my mind, “will I explain to the cashier at Joann’s what happened or will I just purchase the ornament.”

Needless to say, I PURCHASED the ornament and I was NOT flagged going into to store to make things right.

All is well.

I share that story with you to hopefully give you a good laugh, but to also highlight an important principle that I found within this experience.

Whether circumstances big or small, as followers of Jesus we do what is right because it is the right thing to do. We are also called to do what is in alignment with the word of God. Everything we say and do must line up with the principles and truth found in scripture. Truth does not change based on circumstance. Truth is a firm foundation. Our lives shine when we reflect truth and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

How often do we battle with justifying our thoughts or actions? Telling ourselves, “oh what will it hurt?” “Does it really matter, it’s only a small thing.”

The matters of the heart and doing what is right matter to Jesus.

Choices matter big or small.

The question isn’t: Will I get caught?

The question is: Will I do what is right?

It says in Proverbs 21:3,

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”

My Prayer is:

May the motives of our hearts be pure.

May the intentions of our hearts be pure.

May the choices of our hearts be pure.


I admit, I got DISTRACTED in the store but when I REALIZED what happened a CHOICE needed to be made.

We will get distracted and forget things that’s okay, we are human.

However, when the distraction is gone and we realize what happened and those thoughts invade our mind with possible solutions, we do what is right.

Let’s be women who make the best choice, and the best choice meaning, the right choice.

The right choice based on TRUTH.  It’s not always easy but it’s important. The Holy Spirit is here to help us along the way.

Let’s be encouraged as we read the Word and pray as the Lord continues to refine His sons and daughters to reflect Jesus in all that we say and do.

“Keep praying for us, for we are convinced that we have a good conscience, seeking to conduct ourselves honorably [that is, with moral courage and personal integrity] in all things.” Hebrews 13:18

I pray that in everything we say and do be pleasing unto the Lord. Help us Lord to be more like you every day.

Be encouraged and stand firm on His truth.

Bethany Marshall

Bethany is the Family Life Pastor at Trans4mation Church in Altoona, PA. Bethany Marshall was born in Long Island, New York. She grew up as a pastor and missionary kid living in 3 different states and has also lived overseas in Kingston, Jamaica. Bethany currently resides with her husband Micah in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Bethany enjoys drinking good coffee, shopping for good deals, and loves people! Bethany is on staff as the Family Life Pastor at Trans4mation Church in Altoona, Pa. She is the founder and Director of Daughters Conference a conference birthed out of her heart to unite daughters from all generations. Bethany is the author of three children’s books, Pickles and Prayer, Pineapples and Praise, and Bubs with the Nubs! She also serves as a part of PennDel Women Dream Team.


Broken but Good


Hi! I am Thankful!