Focused but Distracted

It’s easy for us to focus on the things that we enjoy and like to do. Finding motivation for a project or a task that’s in our wheelhouse is a no-brainer. We can get the ball rolling because it involves enjoyment. It’s easy to focus!

There might be some tasks on your To to-do list this week that you enjoy doing more than others.

Those tasks are certainly easier to prioritize than the rest. Oftentimes, our priorities are revealed by how we spend our time and what we chose to focus on.

Can we just talk about laundry for a moment? This is probably something that we all have on our weekly chore list. It’s one of our top priorities so that we all have clean clothes for the week. However, putting away the laundry is a different story. This can be a challenge. I am a champion at finding a distraction (oh please, give me any other task…) that takes me away from putting that laundry up.

I believe this happens often in our lives for things that we just don’t like to do. You can call it distraction, procrastination, or avoidance. It’s where we choose to actively focus on other things that keep us from doing what we know we need to do.

We can be focused on many things in our life, but I wonder if those things are distracting us from what we should be doing. Focused, but distracted.

How easy is it to distract ourselves?  It doesn’t take much to find an excuse, right? I think about how this relates to our human behavior. We can be easily motivated by the things we like or influenced by what captivates us.

We can fool ourselves into believing we are doing a good job focusing on wonderful things, but at the same time, we allow those good things to become distractions.

God might be calling you out of your comfort zone this year to do something you’ve never done before. It’s going to require your focus. Maybe, God is stretching you and asking you do something you don’t enjoy doing – just for a season.

I believe that this year is a year of FOCUS. Focusing on the RIGHT things and the BEST things God has for us to do. God is always working behind the scenes in our lives. He moves in His perfect timing to align our assignments. He’s just waiting for us to FOCUS on Him.

What or who we are captivated by will impact our focus. This year, as PennDel Women, we are positioning our hearts to be CAPTIVATED by Jesus. When we do that, the things we have been destined to do will be put into motion.

If you are feeling discouraged because of an unexpected curve ball that has impacted what you were focused on, then you are at a place of refocusing.  Maybe you are processing a situation that has blindsided you. You are at a place of refocusing

I want to encourage you! You are not alone. God will make a way because He loves. There might be some shifting and refocusing going on but know that God is working things out for your good.

John 16:33 says,

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.

Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows.

But take heart because I have overcome the world.

This year let’s take heart just as Jesus tells us in John 16. Let’s be focused on the things God has for us. Jesus has overcome the world and because of that, we can live and follow Jesus from a place of victory. We can be completely captivated by Him.

You are created to do amazing things!  Remember: Be focused, but NOT distracted.

Bethany Marshall

Bethany Marshall

Bethany is the Family Life Pastor at Trans4mation Church in Altoona, PA. Bethany Marshall was born in Long Island, New York. She grew up as a pastor and missionary kid living in 3 different states and has also lived overseas in Kingston, Jamaica. Bethany currently resides with her husband Micah in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Bethany enjoys drinking good coffee, shopping for good deals, and loves people! Bethany is on staff as the Family Life Pastor at Trans4mation Church in Altoona, Pa. She is the founder and Director of Daughters Conference a conference birthed out of her heart to unite daughters from all generations. Bethany is the author of three children’s books, Pickles and Prayer, Pineapples and Praise, and Bubs with the Nubs! She also serves as a part of PennDel Women Dream Team.


Today, you Rest, Tomorrow you Rise


Captivated at His Feet