
As you pause and take a break from your workday, school day, or just busy day, you are here now reading this blog. Welcome, daughter.

There are so many different hats that we wear in this life. These hats can be things that we enjoy, and bring fulfillment and purpose. I’m sure if we were sitting together, you could tell me all about the different hats that you wear. Those hats might be in the form of a businesswoman, leader, wife, friend, or mother. You might wear the hat of a pastor, teacher, grandmother, or team member. Each hat that we wear holds responsibility and weight.

I love meeting other women and connecting, one-on-one.  I can really get to know someone over a cup of coffee! It’s intentional time and it’s when I discover the many hats that women wear.  I am constantly reminded that amid all these different hats, there is a common thread that is woven through each of them. That common thread is one of a daughter.

Daughter, you are created by God, for a purpose, on purpose. We all are.

In a world that constantly throws confusion and temptation at us, we can stand firm in our identity in who we are IN Christ. Daughters who are IN Christ are secure.

Jeremiah 17:5-8 (paraphrased by me) says, But blessed is the daughter who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green, it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

The Amplified Bible says (with the help of my paraphrasing),

“Daughters are (most) blessed (with spiritual security) who believe in, trust in, and rely on the Lord.”

This means that, as daughters, our God-given identity can be secure because we are rooted IN Christ.

This also means that, as daughters, living IN Christ will always bear fruit in every season. This doesn’t mean that we won’t experience times of pruning and refining. Those things are necessary. Our lives will be fruitful as we continue to remain in Him.

John 15:4 says,

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

Maybe today you needed to be reminded who and whose you are. I don’t know what kind of day you are having or what type of week is ahead, but I know the One who does. God cares about the little details of our lives. He wants us to know who we are in Him so that we can be secure knowing whose we are.

Maybe this inspires you to encourage someone who is struggling to get through each day. Your encouragement could be the very thing that brings water to her soul.  That’s a big hat to wear!

The enemy’s number one goal is to make us question our worth and to confuse our identity in Christ. The enemy will often redefine what he can’t create, and use lies to distort the truth that God has destined us to live in.

When daughters arise with confidence and stand firm in Truth, the enemy trembles. Nothing scares him more than someone who truly understands who God created her to be. God has created you to be is BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE, and POWERFUL. Now, that’s one gorgeous hat.

Women need community and a sisterhood of like-minded daughters of God who encourage, challenge, speak truth in love, support, pray, laugh, cry, show up, have each other’s backs, and live by example. To find women like that is a true treasure. Hold on to your hats. They are out there!

If you are already connected with daughters who know who they are IN Christ, you are blessed. You can hang your hat on these relationships. If that is your hope to find women like this, know that it is my prayer that you will find them. I encourage you to take that step and ask the Lord to bring these women into your life.

This is the reason why I love the campaign we are doing right now in Penndel Women. It is called, GO GET HER, for the Inspire Conference. It’s about women inviting women to open the door for an experience that could change their lives.

So, daughter, everything that God has called you and equipped you for flows out of who you are IN Christ. Your identity is not in what you do, but in who you are.

Hang on to your hats for today and say these truths with me.

I am a daughter of the King. I am loved and worthy of His calling on my life. I am restored and made new. My confidence and courage are found in Him. I walk with authority and anointing, knowing who I am and whose I am. I am secure in Christ and my feet are firmly planted upon His truth. Lord, let Your will be done in my life and in this world. Amen.

Daughter, be who God has created you to be. The world needs you to be you.

Hats off to you!

Bethany Marshall

Bethany Marshall

Bethany is the Family Life Pastor at Trans4mation Church in Altoona, PA. Bethany Marshall was born in Long Island, New York. She grew up as a pastor and missionary kid living in 3 different states and has also lived overseas in Kingston, Jamaica. Bethany currently resides with her husband Micah in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Bethany enjoys drinking good coffee, shopping for good deals, and loves people! Bethany is on staff as the Family Life Pastor at Trans4mation Church in Altoona, Pa. She is the founder and Director of Daughters Conference a conference birthed out of her heart to unite daughters from all generations. Bethany is the author of three children’s books, Pickles and Prayer, Pineapples and Praise, and Bubs with the Nubs! She also serves as a part of PennDel Women Dream Team.


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