Boldly, Bravely, Joyfully: Mother & Child

Mother and Child - Charisse Jenkins.png

Mary held Him close studying the curves and features of His sweet face in the flicker of the dim light. Since the time of Isaiah, Mary’s ancestors had held tightly to the words of the prophet that a deliverer would come, and now she held the Deliverer. The prophecy of old had now become a reality.

The future would reach back to mend the broken places of the past, repaving and replacing new ways of hope. But the waiting in silence for 400 years was deafening. Yet, in the still of this silent night, Mary clung to redemption at her breast knowing that fulfilment was swaddled before her. 

Her journey to this moment matched His. She too traveled “Boldly, Bravely, Joyfully” to RECLAIM what had been lost so long ago in the Garden to restore what was God’s desire and heart for His people.

She had to boldly tell her betrothed and parents of her pregnancy, bravely crush the culture to protect the seed of Heaven, and joyfully deliver the One who would deliver mankind. It was her obedience coupled with divine sovereignty that would carve out the path for reclamation. Her little infant Jesus made His bold move to leave His Heaven’s throne to bravely break into and break apart cultural lines and to joyfully reclaim the hearts of His people. 

Will you divinely partner with God like Mary to forge ahead to places that need to be reclaimed for His Kingdom? Will you follow the example of Jesus to break against barriers to win hearts for His glory?

One thing we must comprehend, is that we cannot reclaim anything. It is not by our own hand. Rather, it is the positioning of our heart, the readiness of our will to come into agreement with the heavens and His purpose.  The reclamation is not for OUR glory. It is for HIM! He gets the GLORY, but He is gracious to see fit that it is for our benefit.

Boldly: Make a Move

Following the Lord takes diligence and focus.  Mary exhibited 9 months of bold faith and then another 33 years of bold moves.  Even after her son and Savior’s ascension, she lived for Him boldly as the early church grew. There are times as we follow Him, we find ourselves questioning His ways, or getting distracted by the scenery around us. Often times we make a pit-stop. And before we know it, we have been sitting wayside longer than we care to admit. Jesus is patiently waiting for us to make our move. There has to be a boldness that rises from your spirit to cause your feet to unite with your faith and move. Jesus Himself, waited a long time to reclaim the land and the people that were rightfully His. Boldness is a force that motivates movement.

Bravely: Get Moving

As you start your journey and bravely get moving, the enemy will try to stop you. What is humorous is that though he loses over and over, he still tries to throw a wrench in our wheel anyway he can. Get to the place in your walk with the Lord that you are so ahead of the enemy’s game, that you can laugh in his face when he tries to yank you from your bravery, or to lie to you that there’s danger ahead, and you should stop mid-journey. If God can shut the mouth of a lion for Daniel, part the Red Sea for Moses, find a new husband for Ruth, redeem Rahab, grant Hannah’s request for a baby, raise Lazarus from the dead, help a virgin make sense of carrying the Messiah, don’t you think He can handle you and your circumstances? But, you have to do your part. One foot in front of the other declaring His Word over your life and situation. Bravery is a choice that gets you moving.  

Joyfully: Keep on going

You’ve been bold to make a move, brave to get moving, and now it will be joy that will keep you going! Each time Mary felt Jesus kick within her womb, it was a joyful reminder of the promise she was carrying for all of mankind. You were the joy set before Jesus as He hung mangled on the cross. (Heb 12:2). This whole year has been one calendar change, one let down, one adaptation, one disbelief after another. But as a believer, our joy should not be removed!

Joy will keep you going despite what is going on around you.

Mother and Child surrendered their own wills and desires to align their hearts with Heaven’s purposes so that God could RECLAIM what was lost.  There had to have been many tender moments shared and challenging days that required their bravery and bold faith. The joy that was shared between them was irreplaceable however. As we come to the end of this very unique year, reflecting on all that God has brought us through, let us boldly, bravely and joyfully give Him our best!

Charisse Jenkins

Charisse Jenkins is a bold follower of Christ. She is a wife to her best friend Kurt, a mother to four dynamic children, pastor, pastor's wife, worship leader, author and speaker. She is passionate in prayer and worship, and loves to read the Word. Her desire is to see people walking in their true freedom purchased by Jesus' blood. She loves pretty things and has a big sweet tooth!


