A Free Gift

Long ago, we had the crankiest, scariest neighbor in the whole wide world.  And, I’m not joking.  My sweet, dear husband decided to invite Mr. Angry Pants to dinner over the Christmas season, and I found myself piling my four toddlers into the van to go shopping to buy him a gift.  The Holy Spirit directed me to a few items, and I obediently but bewilderedly went to the checkout. The date decided on had come.  I was nervous and on the defense for my four littles.  As Mr. Angry Pants sat in our home scarfing up a home-cooked meal, his tone began to soften with each bite.  Later, seated in our living room, our children handed him a few small gifts.  His anger melted before our eyes, and he cried.  I was able to share the purpose behind the purchased gifts, and my husband shared the love of Jesus with Him.   This Christmas season, as we scurry around making sure bows are tied, cookies baked, and trees trimmed, let’s also make it a point to share the captivating story of Jesus.

“God saved you by His grace when you believed.

And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” Ephesians 2:8

Let’s recount the Christmas story. A star illuminated the sky.  The wise guys followed it.  Angels sang about a baby born beneath it.  Shepherds found a wee one wrapped in the same glow as the sky.  And we believe it.  Not only do we believe it, but we are captivated by this simple yet mind-stretching story.  The belief in a baby named Jesus, born to be the Messiah, Savior, and King of all mankind, is a tall order!  But through God’s most beautiful grace paired with our faith to believe in what we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1), we somehow find salvation.  We find we are then:

Attracted to Christ

Interested in Christ

Attentive to Christ

Captivated by Christ

So, who do you know who is attracted to or interested in Christ?  People within your sphere of influence who come to you when their world falls apart are attracted to the Christ in you!  They see Jesus in your daily life and are in desperate need of the Lord, though they cannot put their finger on it.  Being around you helps soothe the ache in their heart. They are interested enough in Him that they keep engaged with your “religious” conversations. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead those conversations and “make the most of every opportunity...!” (Eph 5:16). Consider how many conversations, sermons, or events it may have taken you to process the great love of Jesus until you bent your knee to Him. And those life circumstances that have created your journey to Jesus will be foundational to helping someone else as a GPS to Christ!

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4

Remain steadfast to those who are attracted to and interested in Christ until they move to a more attentive individual. Those within that sphere of influence who are paying more attention to who Jesus is will soon be someone who is mesmerized by His majesty.  They will become CAPTIVATED by Jesus’ great love!

Dinner in my home with Mr. Angry Pants changed my perspective AND my interactions with our neighbor.  I wasn’t afraid to let my kids be around him, and he and Kurt would go out to breakfast to talk more about Jesus.  Of course, he has a real name, and I’m thankful that it’s written in the Lamb’s Book.  Maybe he will be my neighbor in Heaven? Nonetheless, he became one who moved from being resistant to Christ to being captivated by Him. All it took was my husband and I following the Word’s mandate to share the free gift. 

Who will YOU share the FREE gift with this season?

Merry Christmas!

Charisse Jenkins


Charisse Jenkins is a bold follower of Christ. She is a wife to her best friend Kurt, a mother to four dynamic children, pastor, pastor's wife, worship leader, author and speaker. She is passionate in prayer and worship, and loves to read the Word. Her desire is to see people walking in their true freedom purchased by Jesus' blood. She loves pretty things and has a big sweet tooth!




Learning to Live in the Present